
How do you feel the Dragon Challenge has positively impacted your life or habits? What was your favorite part or feature of the Dragon Challenge?

Do you have any suggestions for how we could improve the Dragon Challenge?

Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience with the Dragon Challenge?

Battle Song

In a realm where valor reigns supreme,
A champion arises from a dream,
With sword in hand and heart afire,
To face the dragon's dreaded ire.

Turmolious Rex, with scales aflame,
A terror that no mortal can even name,
Yet our champion stands tall and true,
Their courage shining through and through.

Through valleys deep and mountains high,
They heed the call, they heed the cry,
With every blow and every thrust,
They carve their legend from the dust.

In the end, the dragon falls,
Their victory echoes through the halls,
A champion's tale, both bold and bright,
In the annals of valor, a guiding light.

Serene Bird, Avalon's Poet