Unlock Your Inner Warrior: Master Your Mind, Defeat Digital Distractions, and Forge Creative Habits That Last...

Welcome Champion!

Your quest, if you choose to accept it, is to slay Turmoilus Rex—a dragon forged in the fires of the 21st century. He represents digital distractions, bad habits, and all that weakens the human spirit. 🌟

Bring me his head within 21 days and you will be rewarded...


Lord Charlemagne Pendragon

King of Avalon

PS: I'm here to help creative minds like you build good habits or break bad ones. Feel free to reach out anytime!

🔥Your Quest Begins Here...

(Habit of the Month) October Dragon: 30-Minute Daily Exercise...

We respect your privacy.

⚔️ Choose one small habit to build or break, unique to your goals and lifestyle—it can be anything, whether it’s exercising daily, limiting screen time, or reading every night.

👑 Stay Commited! The challenge is to commit to a specific goal or habit for 21 days in a row. The key is consistency.

🐲 Slay the Dragon! On the final day, if you've stuck to your habit, you'll have the chance to slay Turmoilus Rex and claim your reward!

The next challenge starts tomorrow at 8:00 AM (EST).

How Does It Work?

After signing up, you'll get a welcome email with simple instructions on how to track your progress... it is very easy.

Participation in this FREE program is voluntary, self-guided, and your private information will never be shared with others.

For 21 days, you'll receive fun daily accountability emails from Turmoilus Rex, the dragon of distraction, who will try to tempt you to give up.

To win the challenge, stay on track with your habit for 21 days in a row. On the final day you'll have a chance, via email, to slay the dragon!

But, if you miss a day, on your honor, you'll need to admit defeat and surrender.

Glory Awaits You in Valhalla!

Heed the words of those who have faced the dragon and survived to tell their story! Earning their status as Dragon Slayer.


⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (Write Your Story)

Last Updated: 10/2024

Trusted by:

  • Montana State University, School of Architecture

  • Yestermorrow Design/Build School

Become a Dragon Slayer!

This isn’t just a challenge—it’s a war against everything holding you back. Whether it’s sharpening your body, igniting your creativity, or unlocking mental clarity, this is your path to becoming the unstoppable berserk creative warrior you’re meant to be—the mind is your strongest weapon.

Seize Treasure 💎

Only the boldest warriors dare to face the fire, but those who do emerge with riches beyond imagination. When you slay the beast, the dragon’s treasure—once guarded by flame and fury—becomes yours to claim. Every gem, every gold coin, a testament to your strength, your courage, your unrelenting will.


Earn Status 👑

As you advance, you'll ascend through the ranks, earning honor and recognition for your triumphs, fueling your drive to continue conquering challenges and achieving greatness.


Collect Consistency 🔮

After 21 days of focused effort, you'll see how daily action leads to real change. The magic power lies in staying consistent, proving that discipline—not willpower—gets results.


Forge Your Habit Into a Weapon ⚔️

With each habit forged in the fires of consistency, you become stronger, more focused, and unstoppable. Your habits aren’t just actions—they are the weapons you wield to cut through distractions, slay your doubts, and carve a path to victory. This is how Creative Warriors are made.


Never Surrender 🐉

Prepare for Turmoilus Rex's clever and sarcastic remarks as he tries to convince you to give up and surrender with each email. But don't quit!


Why Should You Join?

If you’re serious about improving yourself and tired of bad habits holding you back, the Dragon Challenge offers a fun way to quickly take control of your life. You’ll strengthen mental toughness, sharpen your focus, and unlock your creative potential—you’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain!

Imagine waking up every day feeling more energized, focused, and in control of your life. The habit you build in 21 days can make that a reality.

Why Play?

Building habits is important because it makes things easier. When you turn a good behavior into a habit, you don't have to think about it—it just happens automatically. This helps you stay on track with your goals, like getting healthier, learning new skills, or being more productive. Good habits make life better and help you improve without much effort.

The Prophecy...

In the magical land of Avalon, darkness threatens to take over everything. Turmoilus Rex, a powerful dragon, spreads chaos and fear across the kingdom. Villages are destroyed, crops fail, and people lose hope.

You, a simple villager, hear about a prophecy. It says a hero will come to defeat Turmoilus Rex and bring peace back to Avalon. According to the prophecy, you learn that to defeat the dragon, you need to do a small task every day for 21 days. This small daily action generates a magical power called Consistium, which is needed to use Excalihabit, a legendary sword that can defeat Turmoilus Rex.

But Turmoilus Rex is sly, sassy, and sarcastic. His main goal is to make you surrender and give up on your small daily habit. He will try to discourage you at every turn.

Every day, you must stick to your word, knowing it's the only way to gather enough Consistium. As you get closer to the 21st and final day, your power will grow stronger, getting you ready to use Excalihabit and slay Turmoilus Rex.

Avalon's fate is in your hands. Will you be the hero Avalon needs?

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." - Aristotle