Habit Examples 👇🏼

🧘‍♂️ Zen in Ten: I meditate for 10 minutes every morning right after waking up in a quiet spot to become a Mystic Monk.

📖 Daily Dose of Wisdom: I read 10 pages every evening after dinner in a cozy chair to become a Sage Scholar.

📵 Unplugged: A Social Sabbatical: I do a digital detox and avoid social media whenever I feel the urge to check my phone throughout the day to become a Digital Vanquisher.

🏋️‍♀️ Body Boost: 30-Minute Revival: I exercise for 30 minutes every morning after having my coffee at the gym to become a Titan.

🌌 Cosmic Contemplation: Nightly Sky Safari: I star gaze every evening after the sun sets to become a Star Sentinel.

🚶‍♂️ Dawn Patrol: Nature's Awakening: I walk in nature every early morning at sunrise to become a Dawn Defender.

🚫 Clean Slate: Breaking the Habit: I abstain from drugs and alcohol anytime I face temptation to become a Habit Breaker.

Fast Track: Nourish and Thrive: I follow the 8/16 hour fasting rule and eat my first meal at noon every day to become a Fast Tracker.

🙏 Grateful Heart: I write down three things I'm thankful for every night after brushing my teeth before bed to become a Gratitude Guardian.

👥 Connect & Reflect: I reach out to one friend or family member daily and have a meaningful conversation during my lunch break to become a Bond Keeper.

🧹 Orderly Oasis: I dedicate 15 minutes each day to declutter and organize a specific area of my space right after dinner to become a Chaos Conqueror.

📝 Memory Memoir: I spend 15 minutes each day writing my autobiography to enhance memory and reflection right after breakfast to become a Memory Maverick.

👻 Mystery Mission: I prefer not to say to become a Ghost!

What kind of Dragon Slayer are YOU ???

Turmoilus Rex's Secret

Habit Mastery Formula: Fun Habit Title + Behavior (Action) + Trigger (Link) + Time & Place = New Identity